Email Open Rate Calculator
Open Rate Calculator is a tool that offers a more insightful comparison between email campaigns of different sizes, avoiding the pitfalls of relying solely on raw open numbers. Let's dig deeper into an illustrative example:
Say Email ONE, reaching 18,000 recipients with 1,421 opens, and Email TWO, delivered to 9,000 recipients with 1,014 opens.
While Email ONE may seem superior due to its higher open count, it's crucial to account for the fact that it was presented to two times as many people, providing a larger opportunity for opens. Adjusting for this reveals that Email TWO actually outperforms.
Adopting Open Rate as the benchmark clarifies the picture. Email ONE registers an Open Rate of 7.89%, while Email TWO, with a smaller audience, boasts a higher Open Rate of 11.26%. This signifies that recipients of Email TWO were more receptive and engaged compared to those receiving Email ONE.
Nevertheless, it's imperative not to view Open Rate in isolation. Complementary metrics like CTOR (Click-Through Rate) and Conversion Rate are essential for a comprehensive understanding of post-open engagement and the overall efficacy of an email marketing campaign.